Three-phase installation of your Porsche Wallbox

If you have already purchased your Porsche wallbox from your preferred Porsche Centre, you can choose Andersen, a recommended installer, to carry out your installation.

What is included in my Porsche three-phase standard installation?

  • Fitting of a home charging solution on a brick or plaster wall, or to another suitable permanent structure.
  • Fitting of a home charging solution onto a three-phase electrical supply.
  • Up To 15 meters (50 feet) of cable, run, and neatly clipped to the wall between the electricity supply meter/distribution board and the chosen Porsche wallbox
  • Routing of the cable through a drilled hole in a wall up to 500 mm (20 inches) thick, if this is needed.
  • The fitting and testing of electrical connections and protections required for the chosen home charge point.
  • Installation of a PME protective device.*
  • Up to 3 meters (10 feet) of plastic conduit to conceal interior wiring.

Please Note:

  • Porsche standard installation and Andersen standard installation have different criteria.
  • *Load balancing PME protective device may be required once we have surveyed your installation.`

What if I don’t come under standard installation?

If you think you require a non-standard Porsche installation, please contact our installation team at:

Purchase of the Porsche wallbox is through your Porsche centre

FAQ for Porsche Owners

Have further questions?Call us on 01234 916125